Customer Testimonials

"Living in Sudden Valley has its blessings and it’s challenges. The trees are so lovely, until they grow too big for their space or too close to your house. I was referred to Summit Tree Pros, who came right out and gave me a bid to remove 4 large trees between my and my neighbors’ houses. They followed my progress with obtaining a county permit and HOA approval and got me scheduled ASAP, within days. JJ and crew were friendly, professional, courteous, efficient and tidied everything up when they were finished. I would highly recommend Summit Tree Pros!"


A very large section of tall tree being lowered by rigging; a difficult tree removal with safety as the top priority.

"Just a note to express appreciation for the great job Summit Tree Pros did removing a huge fir tree in our neighborhood. They were very conscious of safety, minimizing the impact on neighbors, and keeping the area clean. They were dealing with some very tight quarters, having to maintain vehicle access while taking down the 100' tree in a narrow alley way. Hats off to JJ, Steven, and Dan for a job well done."

Barry and Shirley

Portrait of JJ Johnson, owner and climber at Summit Tree Service.

"Rob and I just want to let you know how impressed we are with the job you and your crew did removing the 9 plus trees from our property. We haven't seen such exemplary safety and high work ethics in quite a while. You were here two days as promised and one would hardly know you'd been here. The cleanup was done really well. In fact, aside from more light, a few tree stumps and some wood chips one wouldn't know you were here. We are recommending you to everyone we talk to! You and crew are fantastic!! Thank you so much!"

Kaye and Rob

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